Tucson Happenings

Tucson Happenings

All things happening in Tucson


iHeartMedia Tucson Celebrates Teddy's 6th Birthday!

Our iHeartMedia Tucson team decided to team up with Peter Piper Pizza to re-celebrate Teddy's 6th birthday party!

Recently, Teddy's mom had invited 32 of his classmates to his pizza party on Sunday afternoon and no one showed up. After ABC15 posted the picture online the imaged quickly surfaced the internet making it viral. Hundreds of people reacted to this story, reaching out from all over the world to wish Teddy a Happy Birthday via. social media. 

After finding out that Teddy lived in Tucson, our team acted quickly and reached out to Teddy's mother Sil Mazzani and arranged to throw him another birthday celebration with his new friends at iHeartMedia Tucson. 

Teddy loved his surprise.. He was finally able to have the birthday celebration he deserved!

"Thank you iHeartMedia."

Check it out: 

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