Musician and actor Ice Cube is questioning a recently adopted City of Tucson ordinance after a Tweet stating the ordinance made it illegal to film police scenes captured national attention last weekend.
After the Tweet went viral, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero engagedin a chain of responseswith The Artsy Marxist and its followers on Twitter clarifying the legislation, which was identified as Ordinance 11746 - an amendment to Tucson City Code that was passed in April aimed to deter people who show up at crime scenes to film police activity, cause conflict and post those videos on the internet for profit.
This exchange then captured the attention of the hip-hop legend.
On Sunday, Ice Cube quoted Romero's breakdown of the ordinance in question with the response:
According to officials, this ordinance allows law enforcement to arrest individuals who cross an established police line and charge them with a class two misdemeanor. Individuals convicted on this charge can be fined up to $750 and spend up to four months in jail.