This episode is our first installment of a two-part series that will see sympathizers of Israel and Palestine giving us updates on the war taking place in Gaza. Today’s guest is fellow journalist Ami Horowitz—a Jewish, conservative-leaning reporter, and a friend of the show. He has gone underground with Hamas to research and report on the ongoing conflict in the region. In the first half of today’s episode, we discuss the feelings in Pro-Israeli circles now that global support has shifted away from Israel in support of Palestine. We also discuss some other developments since Ami’s last visit to our program.
In the second half of today’s show, we discuss some of the speculation, misinformation, and disinformation associated with the IDF and Israel’s response to the attacks on October 7th. Next week’s episode will ensure that Pro-Palestine sympathizers will be able to address these same topics, so be sure to tune in!
Our Way Black History Fact covers the 21 Black boys that burned to death after being locked in a segregated and neglected Arkansas “reform” school on March 5, 1959.
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About Civic Cipher
Civic Cipher is a weekly radio show hosted by Ramses Ja and Q. Ward. This show is dedicated to empowering Black and Brown voices, allowing them to engage directly with their communities as well as the general population. Self-determination is critical to securing a future free of oppressive systems, and Civic Cipher exists to facilitate discussions toward this end. Furthermore, Civic Cipher seeks to inform non-POC allies who may not be privy to these types of discussions and optics. Finally, Civic Cipher seeks to provide long-form conversations in spaces where there is often a lack of significant resources, potent dialogue, or the necessary engagement for facilitating a healthy and productive civil discourse.