Civic Cipher - Sunday, January 28th

We spent the first half of the show discussing the story of Darryl George…the student who was suspended from his school in Texas over his locs. We also take a moment to discuss cultural appropriation and cite this example of why it is problematic.

The second half of the show is dedicated to the story of Ronnie Long…the man who had a 44-year prison sentence overturned. We discuss his fight to get back what he was owed, and we cite data from the Innocence Project to shine light on just how frequent an occurrence this is.

Our Way Black History Fact is dedicated to the story of Fannie Lou Hamer…one of this country’s greatest activists.

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Listen to Civic Cipher every Sunday morning at 7am on Hot 98.3!

About Civic Cipher

Civic Cipher is a weekly radio show hosted by Ramses Ja and Q. Ward. This show is dedicated to empowering Black and Brown voices, allowing them to engage directly with their communities as well as the general population. Self-determination is critical to securing a future free of oppressive systems, and Civic Cipher exists to facilitate discussions toward this end. Furthermore, Civic Cipher seeks to inform non-POC allies who may not be privy to these types of discussions and optics. Finally, Civic Cipher seeks to provide long-form conversations in spaces where there is often a lack of significant resources, potent dialogue, or the necessary engagement for facilitating a healthy and productive civil discourse.

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