Civic Cipher - Sunday, February 13th

In the first part of today's episode, we discuss several recent instances of Black-on-Asian attacks and reestablish our responsibility to our AAPI brothers and sisters. We deal with the fact that a failure to challenge racist anti-Asian behavior could potentially result in the perception of Black people having a double-standard. We take a hard look in the mirror and reframe our asks around what we are willing to give. Our guest Amy Owen BKA Pineapple Lawyer is the Vietnam-born co-council with Civil Rights Attorneys Stowell and Friedman.

In the second half of today's show, Pineapple Lawyer AKA Amy Owen sits in with us as we discuss the controversy around Awkwafina's "Blaccent" as well as an instance of Actual racist behavior from a Black rapper and the double standard and lack of accountability. We challenge ourselves and our people to give what we expect to get in return. Our Way Black History Fact examines the White Supremacist roots of the division between Black and Asian communities but establishes that we work well more often than not.

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