Wearing A Mask While Running? Try This New Sports Mask

Working out has been tough enough with a pandemic going on right now but now Under Armour has a new face mask out specifically made for exercising to make things easier. When gyms first closed people were going outside more to get their exercise in which made it difficult with a mask on. The new Sportsmask is a first of its kind product.

“I live in an urban environment, so the second I step out my door, it’s difficult to socially distance,” Cara McDonough, vice president of accessories and licensing at Under Armour, tells Bustle. “In order to go for a run or work out in my neighborhood, wearing a mask is imperative, and this is the first mask I’ve tried that enables me to break a sweat while still breathing comfortably. I’ve also worn it on bike rides for hours and not felt the need to take it off.”

Each mask has three layers that each serve a specific purpose for safety.

This story was originally published by Bustle.

For more information:https://www.bustle.com/p/wearing-a-mask-while-running-try-under-armour-sportsmask-23618772

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